Breast Cancer - Awareness, Types, Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Breast cancer is an extremely serious, life-threatening disease that can affect both men and women of all ages. While some types of breast cancer are more common in certain age groups than others, it can affect people from infancy to old age; and while many types of ductal carcinoma are highly treatable, they’re not curable, so it’s important to be aware of early warning signs and learn how to recognize the different types of ductal carcinoma so you can get the in right treatment.

Risk Factors

There are some risk factors that can lead to breast cancer. These include: -A family history of breast cancer or genetic mutations that increase the risk for ductal carcinoma; -Exposure to radiation; -Use of certain hormones such as contraceptives and hormone replacement therapies; -Being overweight or obese; and -Menopause.

Early Detection

The easiest way to catch breast cancer early is to perform a self-examination (S.E.) on a monthly basis. The American Cancer Society recommends that all women over the age of 18 become educated about breast cancer by performing SEs once a month and seeing their doctor annually for mammograms or other forms of screening. It's also important to know the risks associated with ductal carcinomas such as smoking and alcohol consumption.

Survival Rates

A lady's lifetime opportunity of creating bosom disease is 1 out of 8. However, the risk is higher if a family member has had the disease. The American Cancer Society estimates that in 2017, 252,710 new cases will be diagnosed and 40,430 women will die from breast cancer.

Diet and Exercise

To diminish your gamble of creating bosom malignant growth:

-Eat a healthy diet that is high in fiber, low in fat and sugar, and rich in fruits and vegetables. 

-Exercise regularly to maintain a healthy weight. 

Medication Options

Some of the treatment options for breast cancer are surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. The type of treatment you choose will depend on the stage of the cancer. Early-stage ductal carcinoma is treated with surgery to remove any visible tumor or masses in the breast area. If there are no signs that the disease has spread to other parts of the body, then chemotherapy may not be needed. Radiation therapy can also be used to treat breast cancer.

Radiation Therapy

After being diagnosed with breast cancer, one of the treatment options you will likely be offered is radiation therapy. Radiation therapy is a common form of cancer treatment that kills cancer cells by sending them high doses of radiation. If you are going to receive radiation therapy for your breast cancer, there are a few things you should know about this type of cancer treatment before it begins: -The first thing to know about radiation therapy for breast cancer is that it is painless and non-invasive.

Clinical Trials

Some cancer treatments can come with harsh side effects. For these people, clinical trials are a way to get treatment without the side-effects. Clinical trials are also a place where doctors test new treatments that have never been used before.

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