Workplace Health and Wellness: How to Maintain a Healthy Work-Life Balance

Workplace Health and Wellness

As more and more companies look to improve their work-life balance, workplace health and wellness programs are becoming more popular than ever before. These programs can include anything from subsidizing gym memberships to onsite doctors and nurses, with the goal of improving employee health and happiness. The benefits of workplace health and wellness programs go far beyond the obvious financial savings, though – in fact, many studies suggest that those who invest in programs like these will actually see an increase in productivity because their employees are happier and healthier overall.

How much time do we spend at work?

It's no secret that many of us spend too much time working. One study found that the average American spends 9 hours per day at work. There are some obvious benefits, like being able to provide for your family and pursue an education, but there are also some drawbacks, like spending less time with friends or family or becoming burned out. In our opinion, one of the best ways you can maintain a healthy work-life balance is by incorporating health and wellness into your workplace culture.

The Problem with Conventional Wisdom

Conventional wisdom tells us that the best way to maintain good health is by eating healthy, exercising, and maintaining a positive attitude. That may be true when it comes to our personal well-being, but what about our work? In this digital era where more of our day is spent at work than anywhere else, how do we maintain a healthy work-life balance without sacrificing productivity? To understand how this can be accomplished, first, we need to look at the problem.

It's about taking control, not denying your cravings

When it comes to workplace wellness, it's not always about eating lettuce every day. It's about being in control of what you eat, not denying your cravings. 

It starts with educating yourself on how food can affect your moods and energy levels. Knowing that ice cream is bad for you isn't enough. You need to know why. Why does ice cream make you feel sluggish? Why does that chocolate bar make you feel guilty?

Exercise can make you more productive at work

Studies have shown that exercise can make you more productive at work, which is why many companies are trying to incorporate wellness into their workplace. One of the best ways for employers to create a healthy work environment is by offering workplace health benefits for employees, such as paid sick days, onsite fitness centers, or reduced-cost gym memberships.

What are some small changes we can make?

Perhaps of the main thing, you can accomplish for your well-being is to hydrate. No matter what time of day, as soon as you feel thirsty, drink a glass of water. Keep a water bottle with you consistently. This will help keep your energy level up and ensure that you are properly hydrated throughout the day. It's important that we take care of our bodies not just on the weekend, but every day!

Develop healthy habits - they'll stick with you long after the conference is over!

Attendees at the ADA Conference in San Diego learned about the latest trends in workplace wellness. After all, with more than 40 percent of employees not engaged in their work and more than 60 percent of employees having difficulty concentrating, it's important for employers to focus on wellness efforts.

Try not to allow nervousness to get the better of you

Even if you are an introvert, it is important that you take steps to maintain a healthy work-life balance. The best way to do this is by maintaining your self-care habits. Here are some tips on how to combat anxiety in the workplace that can help you maintain your health and wellness in the workplace, as well as your work-life balance.

Learn how to focus on your health (it really works!)

Focusing on your health is easier said than done, but it can make such an impact on your life. In the same way that you'd take care of your car or home, take some time to maintain your body. Get as many sleep hours as you need, drink water, eat well, exercise regularly, and avoid stressors like smoking or eating unhealthy foods. This will not only improve how you feel throughout the day but also contribute greatly to workplace wellness by lowering absenteeism rates and increasing productivity.

Small Changes Add Up

A lot of people think that they need to make drastic changes in order to get healthy. Perhaps of the main thing, you can accomplish for your well-being is to hydrate.  For example, if you walk an extra 20 minutes every day or start drinking one less soda per week, your health will gradually improve. So don’t be afraid of starting small; the goal is for these small changes to eventually become new habits.

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