8 Shocking Diet Coke Nutrition Facts You Didn't Know

Have you ever wondered about the nutritional facts of diet soda? I’ll admit it – I didn’t know much about diet coke nutrition facts, other than the fact that it contains almost no calories until I started to write this article. In fact, if you haven’t looked into the ingredients in your diet soda, you might be surprised by what you find out! With all of that being said, here are some interesting diet coke nutrition facts that you probably didn’t know (but should).

1) Diet does mean no calories

Just because a soft drink is low in calories, doesn’t mean it isn’t harmful to your health. When it comes to diet soda, although they contain zero sugar and zero calories, they do not come without consequences. In fact, drinking just one diet soda per day could shorten your lifespan by 33%. If you think that sounds bad - wait until you hear some of these other facts! 

2) Caramel coloring can cause cancer

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) recently upgraded its classification of caramel coloring, which is used in colas and other types of soda, from a possible carcinogen to a definite carcinogen. The ingredient can also cause non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Though it's not clear whether diet sodas have been found to cause cancer, it's important to be aware that they're just as bad for you as full-calorie versions.

3) Diet soda causes osteoporosis

People who drink diet soda are at an increased risk of suffering from osteoporosis, according to a recent study published in Nature: Global Health. Osteoporosis occurs when your body doesn’t absorb enough calcium to develop and maintain strong, healthy bones. In a group of 23,000 older women, those who consumed two or more diet drinks per day were 30 percent more likely to fracture a hip than women who didn’t consume any artificially sweetened beverages.

4) Aspartame causes brain tumors in mice

To put it bluntly, aspartame can lead to brain tumors in mice. One study showed that if mice are fed more than a mere two grams of aspartame, they will develop tumors. Aspartame contains methanol, which is broken down by enzymes into formaldehyde. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) claims that those with phenylketonuria shouldn’t consume aspartame due to its phenylalanine content; however, it still allows it in other products.

5) Can cause birth defects in humans

A study conducted in Australia found that women who drink more than six cans of soda a day were two to four times more likely to give birth to children with defects. It’s thought that aspartame, high-fructose corn syrup, and phosphoric acid in sodas are responsible for these birth defects. Can you live without it? Maybe.

6) Dehydrates the body's tissues

One of diet soda's major selling points is that it's low in calories, which can be appealing when you're watching your weight. But by trying to save on calorie intake, diet soda drinkers may actually be depriving their bodies of important minerals and fluids instead. Caffeine has a diuretic effect in which it increases water loss from your body. Over time, chronic dehydration can lead to conditions like osteoporosis and kidney stones.

7) Causes vitamin depletion and nutrient deficiencies

Drinking diet soda can lead to major vitamin and nutrient deficiencies. For example, your body gets a significant amount of its daily Vitamin C from regular sodas. If you’re replacing your full-calorie sodas with diet versions, you may be setting yourself up for scurvy. Because artificial sweeteners aren’t actually nutritious, your body isn’t getting what it needs from them either. One study found that artificial sweeteners can cause a significant decline in bone density over time.

8) Other potential health risks

In addition to possibly contributing to an increased risk of cancer, consuming too much diet coke can lead to other health risks. One major problem: Diabetics who consume diet soda have been shown to have a significantly increased likelihood of developing kidney disease and renal failure. This is due in part because drinking diet sodas containing phosphoric acid actually increase phosphate levels in our bodies, which may put stress on our kidneys by increasing calcium phosphate concentrations in urine.

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