Weight Watchers Purple Plan Points System Works

Weight Watchers has three weight loss plans to choose from, each with its own set of rules and strategies. The Blue Plan has been around the longest and is the most popular, but Weight Watchers also offers the Purple and Black Plans, which have different points values, and strategies that can help keep you on track in your weight loss journey. In this article, we’ll take a look at the points values of Weight Watchers Purple Plan foods, how they differ from other plans, and how to stay on track with this plan by buying what you need at grocery stores near you to lose weight with Weight Watchers Purple Plan points.


1 point per serving (12 or fewer points) = 0 to 120 calories; 2 points per serving (13 or more points) = 121 to 180 calories; 4 points per serving (15 or more points) = 181+ calories. All other servings count as 1 point.


To ensure you’re getting enough fiber without overdoing it on calories, stick to two three ounces of lean protein and one cup of vegetables or salad. Avocado, tomatoes, cucumber, carrots, asparagus, and spinach are all solid choices for lunch. You can also mix in some high-fiber cereal or a piece of fruit. Make sure to drink lots of water during lunch to aid digestion.


This is one of my favorite parts of being on WW. Each dinner counts as a single purple point. This makes it easy to plan meals and eat dinner with friends/family without feeling like I’m constantly on a diet. In fact, I think it would be great if they expanded their points system even more to include bread and desserts! But, hey, maybe that will happen in Phase 3...

Snacks & Sides

Starting with a healthy breakfast will get you off on a good foot, so try to incorporate fruits and whole grains into your meal plan. If you’re not used to cooking from scratch, getting in touch with your culinary side can be intimidating. But don’t worry—it doesn’t have to be! We’ve got tons of delicious, healthy recipes for you here at WW that will help you kickstart your day.

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