Workout - What are the 7 types of workouts?

Workouts come in many different shapes and sizes, but all of them have one thing in common - they work! If you’re looking to change up your routine and try something new, then you may want to consider incorporating some of these seven types of workouts into your exercise regime. Not only will they help you get fit in the healthiest way possible, but they will also spice things up so that you don’t fall into a workout rut!

Total Body Cardio

A total body cardio workout involves both your upper and lower body at once. Some examples include running, biking, rowing, elliptical machines, stair masters, and stair climbers. Whether you’re trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight, combining cardiovascular exercise with weight-bearing exercise is ideal for burning fat and toning muscles. Another bonus? The more muscle you have on your frame, especially in your legs the better your bones will be able to support it over time.

Full Body Weight Training

Bodyweight training is one of my favorite types of exercise because you don’t need any equipment, it can be done anywhere and can fit any schedule. This particular exercise will focus on strengthening your muscles with compound movements that use several muscles at once. These workouts are great for beginners or those who are pressed for time, as well as people who are looking for full-body exercise in just 30 minutes or less.


A HIIT workout, which involves high-intensity intervals of exercise followed by brief recovery periods, has been shown to work better than steady-state aerobic exercise in improving cardiovascular health. Just be sure that your HIIT exercise isn’t so intense that you completely exhaust yourself.

Interval Training

In interval training, you alternate between periods of intense effort and low-intensity rest. Studies have shown that HIIT (high-intensity interval training) can burn up to 20 percent more calories than other types of exercise, and it’s also shown to benefit endurance sports like running. If you don’t have time for a full cardio exercise or are looking for ways you can fit in more exercise throughout your day, HIIT might be worth a try.


If you want to relax and get some sleep then there is nothing better than yoga. This can greatly improve your posture, strength, and flexibility. Yoga also has a wide variety of postures and ways to take your practice deeper. Try Bikram or Vinyasa Yoga for an intense experience. There are many different schools as well; if you prefer less physical exertion, look into Kundalini or Hatha yoga styles instead.


It tones and sculpts your muscles, giving you that toned look in no time. The best thing about pilates is its versatility – there are so many exercises that help improve posture, balance, flexibility, agility, and strength. It improves stamina and breathing ability as well. Women suffering from a weak pelvic floor can also benefit from it. For an effective exercise session, you need minimal equipment (such as an exercise ball) while you concentrate on proper breathing techniques throughout the exercise period.

Stretching and Flexibility

There’s a reason that yogis are fit and flexible it takes a lot of effort to stay limber. While many believe that yoga is just a form of meditation, it’s much more than that: It helps you maintain flexibility, build lean muscle mass and burn fat while improving strength and balance. Yoga also increases your heart rate (since you’re holding poses for up to one minute), which contributes significantly to weight loss.

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